Sunday, January 30, 2011

January has been

a BEAUTIFUL month.

Each sunset has been so VIBRANT.

Each gathering has been so CHEERFUL.

Even being sick was somewhat PLEASANT.

 { I was able to catch up on my favorite shows: The Bachelor and The Biggest Loser...while eating lots of Lime Sherbet...that felt good on my poor sore throat! }

My birthday trip to Las Vegas was exceptionally INVIGORATING.

{ hahaha typical Kitto Family vacation :) hahaha }

What a month, huh?

I am so excited for FEBRUARY!!!
*Closer to when I leave for my mission
*Matt and Jonathan come home from their missions
*Get my braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*....nothing I think of can't even compare to the joy I feel towards getting my braces off!!! year of my life!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Major Inspiritation

I received a comment a few weeks ago asking about what my favorite inspirational books are.  I am sorry for the delay, but I am finally here to answer your inquiry!

They are the most motivational/inspirational books I have ever read. His books are so short (80-120ish pages) and to the point and way easy/fun to read!!! No lie!!! I would start with "The Greatest Salesman in the World."  No this is not a "how to" book on how to become a great salesman! haha Don't let the title scare you away.  Its about truly becoming the BEST you can be.  It has changed my life, my dad's life, my sisters...and anyone who has ever read it!
Then continue to read his other masterpieces!
*The Greatest Secret in the World
*The Greatest Miracle in the World
*The Greatest Success in the World
...he has written a TON more...

I have also loved  "The Influencer." This one has completely changed my life and how I deal with things: my life, my peers, my family, co-workers...
It is amazing!  You realize that you can influence anyone...and it teaches you how.  (Not like in a creepy, hypnotic way haha!  But like getting people to want to do the right thing. I can't explain's incredible! AND IT WORKS!! I have applied its principles and it proved itself!!! )

Another book I read this past year that was truly life-changing was "The 5 Love Languages." If only I could have read this one years and years ago!  You learn so much about yourself and how everyone feels loved differently.  You learn how to express your love to others, using their love language, so that they KNOW you love them!  This one book can save marriages!  I can prevent soooooooo many communication problems!! It will be such a blessing in your life, and in your families lives as well!!

I also loved reading "The Secret."  This book has changed my way of thinking and how I view life!  You become a natural optimist after reading this book! You learn how to be grateful for every little moment in your life.  You learn how to focus on the positive, and by doing so, you attract more positive things to come into your life.  For my fellow religious readers: it is all about how to increase your faith.  How to trust in faith. How to use your faith everyday.  It is a beautiful, inspiring and uplifting book!
A few years back I read a book on Benjamin Franklin, (I can't remember the exact title) and it also changed my life.  He was such a creative man.  He had the attitude that "anything is possible."  And it truly is.  Reading about his life has given me more of a desire to become like him.  Inventive, creative, open-minded, smart, and hard-working.  If you were to pick up any book about Benjamin Franklin, I know you will be moved and inspired by this wonderful man's life.

I am currently reading 3 different, but very similar books.
*Our Search for Happiness- by M. Russell Ballard
*Jesus the Christ- James E. Talmage
*The Book of Mormon- by Ancient Prophets :)

Each of these books are incredible.  I just started reading "Our Search for Happiness" last night, and I am already loving it!  Elder Ballard writes so clearly.  It isn't wordy, but specific.  It is entertaining and wonderful!  It is written for anyone, not only for members of the LDS faith.  It's about our history.  It's written so the world can know who the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints really are.
Great read!

I have been reading "Jesus the Christ" off and on for a few months now.  It is an INCREDIBLE book!!! James E. Talmage has such a way with words that you begin to think more poetically in your everyday life!  This 900-something paged book is fully and completely about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  There is nothing like it.  If you want to know who Jesus Christ really is/was/and ever will be, then this book is a must read!

I have been reading "The Book of Mormon" all of my life, but it wasn't until this past year that I have found a deep love for the book, and it's teachings.  It is the book I read on a daily basis.  It brings me closer to my Savior, and Heavenly Father.  It is where I turn for knowledge.  It is where I receive answers to my prayers.  It is where I discover my heroes.  It is where I learn how to follow Christ.  It is where I learn of the Commandments of God.  It is the Keystone of my religion.  It holds the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is a testament that Christ is the Son of God, and our Savior and Redeemer.  It testifys to the world that He lives!  That He came to this earth to atone for OUR sins.  It is a witness that He is coming again.

These are all incredible books that have helped shaped my life. 
I highly suggest them to anyone and everyone, no matter who you are, or what you believe...they are an inspiration to all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life is Beautiful

This last week I celebrated my 21st birthday!!!  
(no really....I do!)
I love getting older! 
I've never liked being considered as one of the "young ones"
I always dream of of the next stage of my life,
and look forward to it, longingly!
So far being 21 has been amazing! :) hahaha
Most people don't feel any different on their birthdays.
its just another ordinary day, but with birthday cake and candles...

Well not me!  I feel like I am finally here!

I am amazed at my life, and so happy to see where it has brought me.
I have a wonderful family who loves me! We have such a strong love 
for one another. We are truly best friends!! They are the most amazing
people I have ever known and I am so blessed to be a part of something that great!
My parents are still love birds and it brings joy to my heart!

I have incredible friends who love me and accept me for who I am.
They have been great examples to me throughout my life, and I am so
lucky to call them my friends!

I have experienced some of the most incredible opportunities people only dream to have!

Above all, I have finally discovered my true self.
I have become the person I have always wanted to be.
I know my Father in Heaven lives.  I KNOW it!!
I know that I am His daughter, and that I have the potential to actually be like Him!
(Isn't that amazing?!?)
I know my purpose here on earth.  
I know that I have been given agency to choose for myself what kind of life I am going to live. 
I know that through the Atonement I am able to reach my potential, and be forgiven of my sins.

I don't know where I would be if I didn't know these truths.  
...but I am pretty sure I'd be searching for them.

How lucky am I to be able to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?  That is huge!  I am not only a representative of the Church...but a representative of Jesus Christ.  What a calling, huh?  I really hope I can make Him proud, and give my absolute all to the work.  At first I was pretty scared about the task ahead of me.  But that feeling is long gone.  I have no fear.  Even if I try to think of things that would scare doesn't work.  I am at complete peace about my decision, because I know this is what the Lord wants me to do.  There is no greater feeling then when you feel like you are following the promptings of the spirit and fulfilling the Lord's Plan for you.

I have never been happier.
I could bet all the money in the world that I am the happiest girl here on Earth...
Life is beautiful. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Night and Day

This is my favorite part of the year!  I LOVE change....more than anyone will ever know!!  I love new possibilities, new opportunities and new beginnings.   I love this time of year because I feel joined by millions of people who want to better their lives.  This is the time of year when people aren't afraid to recognize their weaknesses and resolve to overcome them.  It's the time when people dare to dream, set goals, and seek to reach their full potential.  I believe that everyone wants to be the best they can, but sometimes it's scary to change.  Thank goodness for new years for giving us that courage!

2010 was very bittersweet for me.  It was by far the hardest year of my life.  It was also the most rewarding.  I have never grown so much in all my life.  As I look back on the last 12 months, I literally can see my growth!  I am a completely different person than I was 365 days ago!  It's like night and day!!  I experienced my highest-highs, and my lowest-lows. This is my life...and I would not trade that for the world.

Some highlights from 2010:

Went on a (much needed) road-trip to St. George with my best friend in February
Had way too much fun with my roomies!!
Dug up graves with my family
(hahaha only kidding...we cleaned off my grandparents graves on Memorial Day! :)

Conquered my biggest regret by getting braces
Got my wisdom teeth out with my sister Kristie
Prego-photoshoot with Rachel
Who then made me an Auntie shortly after! :)
Saw Carried Underwood in concert
Tied up loose ends...
Gave a Book of Mormon to a non-member!
Kicked butt in school
Got balloons from random boys on our Girls Night Out
Acknowledged myself as an artist
Biggie-Mouse, Mini Mouse, and Itty-Bitty Mouse for Halloween with the sisters!
Went hot-tubbing in bubble bath
Received my mission call to Osorno, Chile!
Received my Endowment in the Timpanogos Temple, 
Was blessed with two incredible jobs,
Went to Disneyland
 (more Disneyland pics to come)

It doesn't seem like much....but it was one heck of a year! every sense of the phrase! ;) hahaha

Here is to 2011!  I am empowered with the reality of my agency and am so excited to use it to its fullest. 
"I am the designer of my destiny."
Bring it on!