Saturday, February 5, 2011

the UGLY truth.

no not the movie....
my face.
particularly my EYELIDS.
they are driving me nuts!

...I think I am allergic to my eye shadow...

it is pretty it makes sense...but still!

how does that even happen?

well one day I decide to use a shade in the pallet that I haven't used before.
to my surprise, I LOVED it!
...the next day I woke up and my eyelids had blown up to the size of "slugs"...(thank you Kristie)
(this was the UGLY truth.)

I had washed my make-up off that night...just like I do every night...
I thought it might be an eye infection...I was getting sick, so I thought this was just another symptom.
I thought it might be eczema. (dry, itchy, cracking skin...sounded about right.)
I did not think it was an allergic reaction.

so I decided to test it out.
I wore no eye shadow for a week. (but the irritation caused my eyelids to be permanently pink!)
low and symptoms went away!
my eyes were healing (with the help of tons and tons of lotion!)

so yesterday, in all of my brilliance, I decided to try that same shade of eye shadow again,
just to really  see if it was, in fact, the cause of my eyelid disformaty!
 ...about half-way through my night (playing chess up the canyon with Justin)
my eyelids started burning....itching...and felt crusty....oh no!
I came home, took off my make up and quickly applied my healing lotion before going to bed.

this morning I woke up, and with difficulty, opened my eyes.
as I looked in the mirror...there in their rightful place...were the two slugs...right where my eyelids were supposed to be.

never again. 

here's to another week of healing.
don't worry...I think I learned my lesson last time...
my trashcan is now the happy home to that awful (but so freaking cute) shade of eyeshadow.

to you readers, today you can count your blessings:
*"I have healthy, non-crusty-itchy-burning-permanently pink-eyelids. Oh how I am blessed!"

hope you have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! This is hilarious!! What is he name of the eyeshadow so I can never Ty it??? Because that same thing has happened to me and it is HORRIBLEEEE!!!!!!!
