Friday, August 27, 2010

New Beginnings

I love life right now
 New school year, new opportunities, a new start to life.  It is the time of letting go of what has held us back in the past, and the time to start anew. 

I love setting goals!  I probably set too many...but then I ALWAYS have something to work towards.  I get a great sence of accomplishment when I can check off a completed goal from one of my many { MANY } lists!  I have lists from years past of things I have yet to accomplish...but let me tell you, I will accomplish them. :)  I never want to stop learning, or experiencing new things.  That's what this life is all about!  I want to see & do as much as I possibly can!! 

Goals for this semester:
  * Complete my General Education courses
  * Get my mission call!!
  * Run the mile in under 7 minutes { I am shooting for 6.59 haha its been a while, ok? }
  * Go to the temple once a week
  * Go to Florida
  * Finish the Book of Mormon
  * Read 5 books written by Og Mandino { if you haven't read his stuff yet, START NOW! He is INCREDIBLE!!! Greatest Salesman in the World, The Greatest Miracle in the World, The Greatest Secret in the World, A Better Way To Live, The Christ Commission, The Gift of Acabar...ahhh sooo good! }

I am currently taking 3 Institute classes and I  L O V E them!!  They will definitely help me as I prepare to serve a mission this winter.  Missionary Prep, The Teachings of Jospeh Smith, and The Gospel & Productive Life.  Going to these classes while going to school is the highlite of my day!  I love being able to feel the spirit and take it with me throughout the rest of my day.  I can already tell that this year will be a lot different than last.

Something else that is very different for me is this whole dating thing.  I am a pre-mish and so I dont want to get romantically involved with anyone before I go.  Some guys are great with this and are very supportive....while others just aren't...that is so weird to me!  Haha So I am just trying to take it easy and focus on school and working this semester...if it is meant to will be.   I dunno, it is just a weird spot to be in!  haha What guy wants to go out with a girl and hear, "Oh and by the way I am going on a mission!"  He is either going to:

1. Stop pursuing you...for obviously you are a lost cause.
2. Take it as a challenge and try to win your heart and get involved anyways.
3. Be encouraging and respectful to your decision, and be ok with just being friends.

{ These are from my own experiences at least... }

 I know that for some darn reason I need to serve a mission....I have no clue why...but I am SO EXCITED to go!!  I can start my papers 120 days before my birthday...and that means that in THREE WEEKS the process will begin!!  I want to be sooo prepared to go, so that I can be the best missionary I can possibly be.
This semester is going to bring life-changing possibilities to me and my future.  I am excited to get going and to achieve these few goals, and really become the person I want to be. 

Bring it!