Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Choosing to Change

Sorry for my long absence, it seems I have been MIA!
But guess what....I'm baaaaaack!!!! :) :) haha :)

So a lot has been on my mind for the past few months,
but one thing in particular:


I have come to the realization that I have a huge struggle
with this principle...and I always thought
I was pretty good with it!  Haha!! 
How prideful is that?!?

Well as I have been really focusing on this issue,
I have stumbled across a very valuable lesson.

When asking God to help me become more humble,
He will not change me into a humble person, but will
give me opportunities to choose humility.

The one thing God gave us that he cannot take away
from us is our agency.  He will never make us be a
certain way.  He cannot! 

This week I have been focusing on forgetting myself and 
focusing on helping others. I asked my Father in Heaven 
to help me become more selfless.  

So what happened?  
Did He snap His fingers and erase all of my selfish-tendencies?  
Did I suddenly become the most giving person on earth??

Nope!!!  In fact...nothing changed.

He didn't change my heart, but He did allow me
the opportunity to prove myself, and to show
that I really do want to become a more selfless person!

That opportunity came to me only a few hours after my
prayer.  My phone rang with an urgent opportunity to forget 
myself and to go help someone in need!

I wasn't all-of-the-sudden unaware of how busy I was, 
or what I was in the middle of. But I was blessed with  
the spirit and with love for the person who needed help!  
I was able to see them through God's eyes,
and knew that that He needed someone to go help one of His
children.  I was happy to be the one to do that!

I am grateful for all the learning opportunities God gives me
so that I can become the person He wants me to be.
I know it's hard to be humble: to give up our will, and forget 
about what WE think is best for us.  But I know that His plan 
is far greater than we could ever imagine! 

This life is about change.  
It's about changing from the natural man and becoming like God.  
That wont happen unless we choose to change.  

Here is to baby steps and to continually striving to be our best selves!

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